해상에서 즐기는 프리미엄 고화질 방송
작지만 강력한 선박용 위성 TV 안테나
뛰어난 TV 수신 성능을 보유한 인텔리안의 i 시리즈 안테나는 소형 보트에서 어선에 이르는 다양한 종류의 선박에 적용 가능합니다. 인텔리안만의 특허기술로 선상에서도 내 집처럼 편리하고 안정적으로 원하는 TV 채널을 맘껏 즐길 수 있습니다.

Antenna selector

Note: The coverage maps are intended for information purposes only. The actual coverage and minimun EIRP level can be variable upon weather conditions. Intellian makes no warranties as to the coverage area in this document and the information can be changed without notice.

Note: The coverage maps are intended for information purposes only. The actual coverage and minimun EIRP level can be variable upon weather conditions. Intellian makes no warranties as to the coverage area in this document and the information can be changed without notice.

Note: The coverage maps are intended for information purposes only. The actual coverage and minimun EIRP level can be variable upon weather conditions. Intellian makes no warranties as to the coverage area in this document and the information can be changed without notice.

Note: The coverage maps are intended for information purposes only. The actual coverage and minimun EIRP level can be variable upon weather conditions. Intellian makes no warranties as to the coverage area in this document and the information can be changed without notice.

Note: The coverage maps are intended for information purposes only. The actual coverage and minimun EIRP level can be variable upon weather conditions. Intellian makes no warranties as to the coverage area in this document and the information can be changed without notice.

Note: The coverage maps are intended for information purposes only. The actual coverage and minimun EIRP level can be variable upon weather conditions. Intellian makes no warranties as to the coverage area in this document and the information can be changed without notice.

Note: The coverage maps are intended for information purposes only. The actual coverage and minimun EIRP level can be variable upon weather conditions. Intellian makes no warranties as to the coverage area in this document and the information can be changed without notice.

Note: The coverage maps are intended for information purposes only. The actual coverage and minimun EIRP level can be variable upon weather conditions. Intellian makes no warranties as to the coverage area in this document and the information can be changed without notice.

Note: The coverage maps are intended for information purposes only. The actual coverage and minimun EIRP level can be variable upon weather conditions. Intellian makes no warranties as to the coverage area in this document and the information can be changed without notice.

Note: The coverage maps are intended for information purposes only. The actual coverage and minimun EIRP level can be variable upon weather conditions. Intellian makes no warranties as to the coverage area in this document and the information can be changed without notice.

Note: The coverage maps are intended for information purposes only. The actual coverage and minimun EIRP level can be variable upon weather conditions. Intellian makes no warranties as to the coverage area in this document and the information can be changed without notice.

Note: The coverage maps are intended for information purposes only. The actual coverage and minimun EIRP level can be variable upon weather conditions. Intellian makes no warranties as to the coverage area in this document and the information can be changed without notice.

Note: The coverage maps are intended for information purposes only. The actual coverage and minimun EIRP level can be variable upon weather conditions. Intellian makes no warranties as to the coverage area in this document and the information can be changed without notice.

Note: The coverage maps are intended for information purposes only. The actual coverage and minimun EIRP level can be variable upon weather conditions. Intellian makes no warranties as to the coverage area in this document and the information can be changed without notice.

Note: The coverage maps are intended for information purposes only. The actual coverage and minimun EIRP level can be variable upon weather conditions. Intellian makes no warranties as to the coverage area in this document and the information can be changed without notice.

Note: The coverage maps are intended for information purposes only. The actual coverage and minimun EIRP level can be variable upon weather conditions. Intellian makes no warranties as to the coverage area in this document and the information can be changed without notice.

Note: The coverage maps are intended for information purposes only. The actual coverage and minimun EIRP level can be variable upon weather conditions. Intellian makes no warranties as to the coverage area in this document and the information can be changed without notice.

Note: The coverage maps are intended for information purposes only. The actual coverage and minimun EIRP level can be variable upon weather conditions. Intellian makes no warranties as to the coverage area in this document and the information can be changed without notice.

Note: The coverage maps are intended for information purposes only. The actual coverage and minimun EIRP level can be variable upon weather conditions. Intellian makes no warranties as to the coverage area in this document and the information can be changed without notice.

Note: The coverage maps are intended for information purposes only. The actual coverage and minimun EIRP level can be variable upon weather conditions. Intellian makes no warranties as to the coverage area in this document and the information can be changed without notice.

Note: The coverage maps are intended for information purposes only. The actual coverage and minimun EIRP level can be variable upon weather conditions. Intellian makes no warranties as to the coverage area in this document and the information can be changed without notice.

Note: The coverage maps are intended for information purposes only. The actual coverage and minimun EIRP level can be variable upon weather conditions. Intellian makes no warranties as to the coverage area in this document and the information can be changed without notice.

Note: The coverage maps are intended for information purposes only. The actual coverage and minimun EIRP level can be variable upon weather conditions. Intellian makes no warranties as to the coverage area in this document and the information can be changed without notice.

Note: The coverage maps are intended for information purposes only. The actual coverage and minimun EIRP level can be variable upon weather conditions. Intellian makes no warranties as to the coverage area in this document and the information can be changed without notice.

Note: The coverage maps are intended for information purposes only. The actual coverage and minimun EIRP level can be variable upon weather conditions. Intellian makes no warranties as to the coverage area in this document and the information can be changed without notice.

Note: The coverage maps are intended for information purposes only. The actual coverage and minimun EIRP level can be variable upon weather conditions. Intellian makes no warranties as to the coverage area in this document and the information can be changed without notice.

Note: The coverage maps are intended for information purposes only. The actual coverage and minimun EIRP level can be variable upon weather conditions. Intellian makes no warranties as to the coverage area in this document and the information can be changed without notice.

레이돔 크기
37 cm x 38 cm (14.6" x 15")
43 cm x 44 cm (16.9" x 17.3")
50 cm x 54 cm (19.7" x 21.2")
70 cm x 72 cm (27.5" x 28.3")
113 cm x 121 cm (44.5" x 47.5")
37 cm x 38 cm (14.6" x 15")
43 cm x 44 cm (16.9" x 17.3")
50 cm x 54 cm (19.7" x 21.2")
70 cm x 72 cm (27.5" x 28.3")
113 cm x 121 cm (44.5" x 47.5")
반사판 지름
33cm (12.99")
37cm (14.56")
45cm (17.7")
60cm (23.6")
85cm (33.5")
33cm (12.99")
37cm (14.56")
45cm (17.7")
60cm (23.6")
85cm (33.5")
안테나 무게
4.5 kg (9.5 lbs)
9 kg (19.8 lbs)
11.6 kg (25.5 lbs)
20 kg (44 lbs)
56.2 kg (123.90 Ibs)
4.5 kg (9.5 lbs)
9 kg (19.8 lbs)
11.6 kg (25.5 lbs)
20 kg (44 lbs)
56.2 kg (123.90 Ibs)
최소 안테나 복사 전력
51 dBW
50 dBW
48 dBW
46 dBW
44 dBW
51 dBW
50 dBW
48 dBW
46 dBW
44 dBW
앙각 범위
+10˚ to +80˚
+10˚ to +80˚
0˚ to +90˚
+5˚ to +90˚
+15˚ to +90˚
+10˚ to +80˚
+10˚ to +80˚
0˚ to +90˚
+5˚ to +90˚
+15˚ to +90˚
Linear or Circular
Linear or Circular
Linear or Circular
"Linear or Circular i6W: Linear and Circular"
Linear and Circular
Linear or Circular
Linear or Circular
Linear or Circular
"Linear or Circular i6W: Linear and Circular"
Linear and Circular
자동 스큐
i6P, i6W, i6PE
i6P, i6W, i6PE
월드뷰 기능